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Cancellation of Vacancies of DLW | Corrigendum & Amendment to CEN 01/2019 (NTPC Posts)

Notice Regarding Cancellation of Vacancies of DLW | Corrigendum & Amendment to CEN 01/2019 (NTPC Posts)


Corrigendum & Amendment to CEN 01/2019(NTPC posts)

Cancellation of vacancies of DLW

In view of the change of work pattern in Diesel Locomotive works (DLW), Varanasi, all the following notified vacancies of DLW under RRB Allahabad are treated as withdrawn from the centralized employment notice CEN 01/2019 which was issued on 28.02.2019:-

 Category NumberName of the Post Vacancies Notified for DLW and being withdrawn 
 4Junior Accounts Assistant Cum Typist 17 
 5Senior Clerk Cum Typist 19 
 7Senior Time Keeper 08
 11 Junior Clerk Cum Typist19
 12 Junior Time Keeper 06 

The candidates who have applied for any of the above categories of DLW under RRB, Allahabad, are being allowed to modify their order of preference of posts under RRB/Allahabad till 30.04.2019 without payment of any modification fees.

All such candidates have already been sent emails in their registered email address along with the link. $$The candidates can also- visit the “Iink’ at https://allahabad.rrbonlinereg.co.in and login using the button “Changes of Post preferences for DLW opted candidates in RRB Allahabad” to change their post preferences if they desire. In case, any candidate is not willing to change the post preference, the original post preference will be considered with all DLW vacancies / all DLW post preferences deleted.

All other terms and conditions as given in the centralized employment notice CEN 01/2019 will remain unchanged.

Date: 20.04.2019 
Railway Recruitment Boards

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